The all-seeing eye

July 19, 2013 § 2 Comments

It’s a given that L.A. has lots of cool murals; I’ve found one that mysterious as well as cool.

Hoover Street parallels Virgil to the east; above Sunset, it dead ends at a hillside. A split staircase, built in 1928, links Hoover to Prospect Street above. Someone used that concrete wall for this colorful, eye-grabbing mural:

Hoover 1

I love the way the vivid blue water cascades down the central staircase. It flows from cupped hands beneath the all-seeing eye.

Hoover 3

Wings sprout from either side of the Great Eye making me think of  seraphim, described in the Hebrew Bible as creatures with multiple eyes and six wings. Can’t say that’s what the artist was thinking about.

The female figure below the west stairs looks like she’s lifting the earth. To the east, the male clasps a young tree. To me, the mural is redolent of fecundity, creation, our rootedness in the earth. I find it intriguing, calming and cooling (all that blue), provocative. What do you think?

Hoover 4

Hoover 2

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